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Fenced In

Fenced In


w:18.25" x h:12.25" original water media painting on yupo by Tammy Pilon. This artwork is matted and framed. The frame is a white wood frame. The framed size is w:24" x h:18" and the frame depth is .75" and the frame width is 1.5". This piece hangs horizontally but can also hang vertically and upside down. Photo available upon request.

  • ARTWORK INFO - Fenced In

    This is a soft multicoloured piece but features an opera pink amongst light blues, oranges, purples and teal. There is a white fence looking pattern overlaying the majority of the image. This is a watercolour & gouache painting on yupo.


    Payment accepted in advance by e-transfer. Send an email to Artwork will be shipped once funds have cleared through an electronic bank transfer. Taxes & shipping not included. Email Tammy for details


    -Shipping costs to be assumed by the buyer (Vancouver & Lower Mainland BC residents may make pick up arrangements).

    -Please inquire about using your own courier and insuring the artwork.


    I do not accept cancellations or returns. 

© Tammy Pilon Poco Art Studio
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